As members of the publishing industry, we at MillennialEYE are acutely aware of how much content is continuously produced and distributed and how little time most audiences (ours in particular) have today. Although people consume more information now than ever before, the volume of available material is insurmountable—and growing. We content creators know that it can be hard for readers to determine what is worthy of their time, especially when they’re already pressed for it.
In this issue of MillennialEYE, we shine a light on some important topics relevant to aspiring and young ophthalmologists: selecting a practice setting, applying and interviewing for a job, saving for the future, and protecting oneself legally in the digital world. We’ve also selected some accompanying podcasts and videos for those who prefer to digest information audibly or visually. Undeniably, there are a lot of nuances to starting out in ophthalmology. Thankfully, the field is filled with experts who can cut through the noise and help magnify some of the most pressing issues related to life and practice.
Callan Navitsky