In September, I witnessed a pedestrian get hit by a car, and, as we all would, I jumped in to help. Despite the limited resources available, one item I did have on me was my Apple Watch. I placed the device on the man’s wrist and was able to monitor his heart rate while asking him questions about his injuries. Although we are surrounded by advanced technologies day in and day out, it is moments like these that truly emphasize the power of living in this digital world.

Although not without faults (or arguments, really), the digital world in which we live and practice is powerful. It provides us unprecedented access to information, offers a steady stream of creative solutions for everyday challenges, and enables us to connect with and learn from a global community of users. For surgeons, the rapid pace of technological advancement has almost become commonplace. But it is important to step back and celebrate the progress we have made and the benefits afforded to us daily.
In this issue of MillennialEYE, we pay tribute to the role that technology plays in the personal and professional lives of ophthalmologists. From Amazon’s Alexa to app-based leukocoria detection and everything in between, technological solutions are changing the game—sometimes for the worse but, more often, for the better. As we approach a new year—and 2020, at that—I hope we continue to see innovations that positively influence our work, our patients, and the world at large … and that we remember to power down from time to time, too.