To Listen | Defining a Path to ASC Ownership
On Ophthalmology off the Grid, Blake Williamson, MD, MPH, and guest cohost Michael Patterson, DO, invite Andrew Maller, MBA, COE, from BSM Consulting, to discuss critical information for young surgeons about the potential to buy into an ambulatory surgery center (ASC). The trio shares insights into the value of being business-minded to maintain a successful practice and addresses common questions to determine opportunities to find a path to ownership.

To Follow | Misrepresenting LASIK OUTCOMES
Ophthalmologists on Twitter are responding to a recent story published by The New York Times, in which the publication allegedly misrepresented the success of LASIK outcomes.
To Watch | Real-World MIGS Safety
On MIGS Unplugged, Arsham Sheybani, MD, and Iqbal Ike K. Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, speak with Sarah Van Tassel, MD, about real-world MIGS safety based on complications reported to the FDA MAUDE database. Dr. Van Tassel shares what trends or patterns can be gleaned from the data and highlights the importance of surgeons’ awareness of these potential complications.