Ike Ahmed, MD
Ike Ahmed, MD
- Assistant Professor and Director of the Glaucoma and Advanced Anterior Surgical Fellowship at the University of Toronto
- Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City
- ike.ahmed@utoronto.ca
- Financial interest: None acknowledged

Keith Barton, MD, FRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth
Keith Barton, MD, FRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth
- Consultant in the Glaucoma Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London
- Honorary Reader at University College London’s Institute of Ophthalmology
- Chairman, International Glaucoma Association
- keith@keithbarton.co.uk
- Financial disclosure: Lecture fees (Allergan, Pfizer); Advisory board (Alcon, Amakem, Glaukos, Ivantis, Kowa, Merck, Refocus, Thea); Consultant (Alcon, Aquesys, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Kowa, Ivantis, Refocus, Santen, Transcend Medical)

Robert Noecker, MD, MBA
Robert Noecker, MD, MBA
- Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
- Clinical Professor of Surgery, Frank Netter School of Medicine, Quinnipiac University, New Haven
- Director of Glaucoma, Ophthalmic Consultants of Connecticut
- noeckerrj@gmail.com
- Financial interest: None acknowledged

Nathan Radcliffe, MD
Nathan Radcliffe, MD
- Director of Glaucoma, NYU Langone Ophthalmology Associates, New York University, New York
- drradcliffe@gmail.com
- Financial interest: None acknowledged

Arsham Sheybani, MD
Arsham Sheybani, MD
- Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri
- sheybaniar@vision.wustl.edu; Twitter @Arsham_Sheybani
- Financial disclosure: Consultant