Time-Savers in the OR
“For surgeons working with a high volume of cases, small inefficiencies add up to a lot of lost time. This does not mean that I recommend rushing through cases. Rather, in my experience, the best way to speed up is to slow down. Be mindful, contemplative, slow, and deliberate with all of your movements in the OR.”
—Steven Dell, MD
Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, January 2019 issue.
On the Hunt

Laura Periman, MD, on Twitter @DryEyeMaster
The Best Job You Can

“I think what patients really want to know is that you’re there to do the best job that you can and that you’re not going to leave them hanging if there’s an issue.”
—Brandon Ayres, MD
Informed Consent, Episode 21
OTC Roundup

Dr. Glaucomflecken on Twitter @DGlaucomflecken
The Perfect Capsulotomy
“I am a believer that the perfect capsulotomy can help optimize any cataract surgery. I define a perfect capsulotomy as one that is centered as close as possible on the visual axis for the best optical outcome and on the center of the capsule for the best anatomic (and optical) outcome.”
—Vance Thompson, MD
Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, January 2019 issue.