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Long gone are the days when simply removing a patient’s opacified lens could be considered successful cataract surgery. Patients today expect and deserve a specific refractive result from their cataract procedures, and thus, every opportunity to provide them with superior vision must be seized. Yet, research shows that only a small number of cataract surgeons are currently treating astigmatism routinely. Given the ubiquity of this condition and its impact on visual outcomes, the management of corneal astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery is an area of ever-increasing importance.
With this in mind, MillennialEYE introduces a new series—Astigmatism Basics—that will focus on educating surgeons on the nature of astigmatism and providing the basic tools needed to successfully build this into their practice. As Blake Williamson, MD, and I discuss below, prioritizing astigmatism management may require a shift in thinking and a new definition in the standard of care. Despite common misconceptions, this sea change need not come at a high expense; it will, however, most definitely offer high rewards.
— Neel R. Desai, MD