Through my involvement with the University of Kentucky, MillennialEYE, Ophthalmology off the Grid, and other ventures, I have had the opportunity to get to know many of the current ophthalmologists in training. In fact, it was a crew of residents from the University of Iowa who dubbed me The Podfather—a title I wear proudly.
I feel fortunate to be connected to the next generation of ophthalmologists. Their ways of learning, communicating, and interacting may differ from previous generations, but there is no shortage of lessons we can learn from them. Therein lies the inspiration for this issue’s cover focus, The Takeover. In the articles of this issue, residents and fellows cover the topics most pertinent to them: surviving internship, performing that first solo phaco surgery, challenging stereotypes in medicine, and more.
I have learned a lot from these individuals, and I know their contributions will shed light on ophthalmic education today and on the future of our field. You may need to create a Twitter account to stay connected to these young ophthalmologists, but I promise, you won’t regret it.