Avoiding Unhappy Cosmetic Surgery Patients
Zeba A. Syed, MD, and Deepak Ramesh, MD
Dr. Ramesh joins Dr. Syed to share pearls on how he manages the high expectations of cosmetic surgery patients. He explains how he sets proper expectations by educating patients about a range of possible outcomes prior to a procedure.
Blepharoplasty and Endoscopic Brow Lift
Alison H. Watson, MD
Dr. Watson performs blepharoplasty and an endoscopic brow lift for rejuvenation of the upper eyelid and forehead of a patient in her late 40s. She uses an endoscope to visualize dissection as she shares her surgical approaches for this type of case.
Single Suture Permanent Tarsorrhaphy
Shawn Iverson, DO
Dr. Iverson demonstrates a permanent lateral tarsorrhaphy done with a single suture and without splitting the lamellae.
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