Giant Retinal Tear and Retinal Detachment
M. Ali Khan, MD
After a delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a 45-year-old man underwent repair of a retinal tear and related retinal detachment. M. Ali Khan, MD, presents how he handled the case.
Cyclodialysis Repair
Jacob W. Brubaker, MD
In this video, Jacob W. Brubaker, MD, shows his approach to ab externo repair of a cyclodialysis cleft.
Management of Anterior Capsular Phimosis
Maneesh Bapaye, MD
Maneesh Bapaye, MD, demonstrates the case of a patient with chronic angle-closure glaucoma who developed anterior capsular phimosis a few months after cataract surgery.
Open-Conjunctival, Ab Externo Implantation of the Xen Gel Stent
Leonard K. Seibold, MD
Leonard K. Seibold, MD, demonstrates an alternative technique for implantation of the Xen Gel Stent (Allergan) to ensure accurate placement in the sub-Tenon space.